Wedding Flowers

If locally grown, seasonal flowers are your dream then you’re searching in the right place.

The Three ‘B’s’

Bouquets, Button Holes and Buckets.

This option is so simple, I can create your beautiful Bridal flowers and then provide you with buckets of mixed blooms in your colour theme and you are free to create the arrangements you need for your big day.

The Full Package

I only do a very small number of full service weddings each year so please get in touch if you’d like to discuss your date.

I grow, cut, arrange, deliver and set up all your wedding flowers. After discussions and mood boards, you would then be able to relax knowing every bloom would be perfectly arranged and presented.

Please be aware that all the flowers used would be completely seasonal and grown on the farm so before you get your heart set on a specific flower, do check they are actually in season. We would work on a style and colour theme and then choose the best from the field at that time.